Our Marine Crew Placement NZ

For yachts looking for crew - OMCP NZ offers a super personalized and professional recruitment service to find the ideal crew you need anywhere on this planet.
For crew looking for yachts - OMCP NZ offers you opportunities on superyachts anywhere for your skillset - including captains, officers, deckhands, engineers, chefs, stewards and race crew.
“We endeavour to bring you together."
It is already a big job to run a yacht so let me do my job and find your crew.
Looking for crew? Please go to the 'looking for crew' page and fill out the form, we collect details to have a better understanding of your requirements. If you prefer to email me then please contact me directly on sam@ourmarine.co.nz with your requirements. We will get back to you ASAP.
Looking for work? Then please go to the' looking for a job' page and fill out the form, you can also upload your CV and cover letter (recommended) and we will inform you as soon we have a match.
"We endeavour to bring you together"

Quick simple process
Email your requirements,
we keep you in the loop with clear communication.

Connecting a team
Bringing together yachts and crew

Crew helping crew
Refer your friend and earn some money if they get the job

OMCP NZ is endeavouring to bring together people in all aspects of yachting and boating.
If you are interested in becoming part of a database for race crew, boat repair or other roles on yachts or if you require someone in those roles, please let us know. We then match skills with vacancies and let you know quickly when there is an opportunity for you.